Sustainable sanitation: Jay Baghwan at SuSanA side event
Sustainable sanitation: SuSanA side event
Sustainable sanitation: Kamal Kar at SuSanA side event
Sustainable sanitation: Kamal Kar at SuSanA side event
Sustainable sanitation: Noma Neseni (Zimbabwe) at SuSanA side event
Sustainable sanitation: David Still at ecosan seminar
Sustainable sanitation: Lucia Henry at ecosan seminar
Sustainable sanitation: Linus Dagerskog at ecosan seminar
Sustainable sanitation: These nice tents were used for the AfricaSan
Sustainable sanitation: Participant from Cameroon in beautiful dress (ecosan seminar)
Sustainable sanitation: Ecosan seminar
Sustainable sanitation: The gentleman on the left is the Minister for Agriculture, Hydraulics and Fisheries (Dr. Laurence Sedogo) from Burkina Faso (this ministry includes sanitation)! (at ecosan seminar)
Sustainable sanitation: Plastic slab which can be converted to a urine diversion slab
Sustainable sanitation: Plastic slab which can be converted to a urine diversion slab
Sustainable sanitation: Plastic slab which can be converted to a urine diversion slab
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda (poster)
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda (UDDT drawings)
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda (UDDT drawings)
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda (UDDT drawings)
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda
Sustainable sanitation: Booth on ecosan in Rwanda
Sustainable sanitation: Urine fertilised vegetables on display
Sustainable sanitation: SuSanA booth
Sustainable sanitation: SuSanA booth