Sustainable sanitation: Winning Poster "My School Loo" Citywide Contest
Sustainable sanitation: Official Poster Entry
Sustainable sanitation: Winning Poster
Sustainable sanitation: One of the winning posters during the conducted "My School Loo" Citywide Contest
Sustainable sanitation: Winning poster "My School Loo" Cluster Contest
Sustainable sanitation: Winning Poster "My School Loo" Cluster Contest
Sustainable sanitation: Official Poster Entry
Sustainable sanitation: Dance Contestants
Sustainable sanitation: happy faces!
Sustainable sanitation: puppet theater performances
Sustainable sanitation: Dance Contest
Sustainable sanitation: Puppet Theater
Sustainable sanitation: Children in Action
Sustainable sanitation: song and dance contest
Sustainable sanitation: song and dance contest
Sustainable sanitation: puppet theater presentation
Sustainable sanitation: on-the-spot poster making participants
Sustainable sanitation: puppet theater show
Sustainable sanitation: invocation by SPED pupils
Sustainable sanitation: My School Loo Handbook
Sustainable sanitation: Puppet Materials
Sustainable sanitation: puppet items