Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_ecosan-UDDT-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_urban-agriculture-ecosan-2-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_urban-agriculture-ecosan-UDDT-chamber-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_urban-agriculture-ecosan-urine-outlet-UDDT-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_urban-agriculture-ecosan-4-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: SOWAS_public-toilet-1-cotonou
Sustainable sanitation: Area for vegetable gardening
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT with angled faeces vault doors
Sustainable sanitation: A tractor carring the organic waste from Dantokpa market to the composting site
Sustainable sanitation: Compost before sifting (there is other material in it, for example plastic waste).
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT on the edge of the farming area, behind there is the residential area and in front there is the farming area.