Sustainable sanitation:
Ms. Laura Kraft introducing the ecosan concept implemented at Crater View Secondary School in Nakuru
Sustainable sanitation:
Stand for washing plates
Sustainable sanitation:
Mr. James Raude explaining the small-scale constructed wetland established for treatment of greywater from kitchen and washing plats
Sustainable sanitation:
Small-scale constructed wetland planted with Vetiver grass for treatment of greywater from kitchen and washing plats
Sustainable sanitation:
Girls’ and boys’ UDDTs
Sustainable sanitation:
Washbasin at boys’ UDDT block
Sustainable sanitation:
Conventional porcelain urinals used as waterless boys urinals
Sustainable sanitation:
Plastic buckets used as waterless boys urinals
Sustainable sanitation:
Girls urinal
Sustainable sanitation:
Stagnant urine in urine diversion squatting pan due to blockage of urine pipe
Sustainable sanitation:
View into almost completely filled 2 m3 (2,000 litre) underground urine storage tank
Sustainable sanitation:
Drying shed for processing faecal matter from UDDTs
Sustainable sanitation:
Faecal matter inside drying shed
Sustainable sanitation:
Pit latrines that have been used earlier