Sustainable sanitation: School with UDDT under construction
Sustainable sanitation: School UDDT how does the separation work
Sustainable sanitation: Inside of a class room, facing towards toilet room.
Sustainable sanitation: Opened faeces chamber containing plastic bins
Sustainable sanitation: Mosaic for Don Victor's UDDT
Sustainable sanitation: View of Don Victor's UDDT.
Sustainable sanitation: UDDTs in rural school in Rwanda - des UDDTs dans une école rurale du Rwanda
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT for pupils
Sustainable sanitation: Composting site for drying faeces
Sustainable sanitation: Completed two double-vault UDDTs (4 vaults in total)
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT for boys (double vault)
Sustainable sanitation: Bogainville plant, fertilised with urine for 12 months
Sustainable sanitation: Filling a watering can with water from the rainwater tank
Sustainable sanitation: Rainwater is added to the urine barrel for dilution purposes
Sustainable sanitation: Kids in front of UDDT at nursery house of fire in Nakuru
Sustainable sanitation: Community UDD toilet and shower facilities at Nakuru Hilton (ROSA project)
Sustainable sanitation: 65 Dhanouka school class
Sustainable sanitation: 43 Raika School urine separation system
Sustainable sanitation: Village Nagasandra
Sustainable sanitation: school orientation on correct use of urine separation toilet at elementary school in Baluarte (Cagayan de Oro, PH)
Sustainable sanitation: UDD toilet model India (students built model and won science award)
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT for female users
Sustainable sanitation: ecosan UDD toilet block and happy children in Rwanda - Le bloc de toilette UDD ecosan et des enfants joyeux au Rwanda
Sustainable sanitation: School sanitation with UDDTs
Sustainable sanitation: Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilet at Mwijo Primary School
Sustainable sanitation: Back view of UDDTs in Crater View Secondary School
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT at Holy Rosary School at Pujehun
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT at Holy Rosary School at Pujehun
Sustainable sanitation: Subramaniapuram Secondary School ecosan Tamil Nadu 2
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT at Holy Rosary School at Pujehun