Sustainable sanitation:
Organic matter composting unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Rain water harvesting
Sustainable sanitation:
Cleaning a urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT) in Johannesburg
Sustainable sanitation:
Urine diverting dehydration toilet
Sustainable sanitation:
Outlet of organic matter composting unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Reuse of urine and compost from UDDT in gardening
Sustainable sanitation:
Picture 069
Sustainable sanitation:
Owner cleaning UDD toilet
Sustainable sanitation:
Compost as faeces covering material in UDDT
Sustainable sanitation:
Adding urine to compost heap
Sustainable sanitation:
Organic matter composting chamber of a household
Sustainable sanitation:
Degradable materials from UDDT and Kitchen: how to carry?
Sustainable sanitation:
Degradable materials from UDDT and Kitchen
Sustainable sanitation:
Composting unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Co-composting unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Compost made from faeces and kitchen waste
Sustainable sanitation:
Co-composting of faeces with household waste
Sustainable sanitation:
Sieve for greywater pump
Sustainable sanitation:
Hole to have access to bucket of UDD toilet
Sustainable sanitation:
Greywater reuse system
Sustainable sanitation:
Composted material from compost unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Composting unit (co-composting of household waste with faeces)
Sustainable sanitation:
Greywater reuse in garden