Sustainable sanitation:
School with UDDT under construction
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Private family UDDT in Pachacamac
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UDDTs in rural school in Rwanda - des UDDTs dans une école rurale du Rwanda
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UDDT for pupils
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Kids in front of UDDT at nursery house of fire in Nakuru
Sustainable sanitation:
Back of toilet at nursery house - Nakuru London (ROSA project)
Sustainable sanitation:
Community UDD toilet and shower facilities at Nakuru Hilton (ROSA project)
Sustainable sanitation:
hard to believe
Sustainable sanitation:
Kenyan family in front of their UDDT
Sustainable sanitation:
View of the backside of the toilet - Vue arrière de la toilette
Sustainable sanitation:
Inside view of the toilet - Vue interne de la toilette
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Zapallal: UDDT+basin
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Public UDDT: Plan. This UDDT has minimal steps and even this one step could be replaced with a ramp
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Opened faeces chamber containing plastic bins
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Pretty urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT) in the house, not in the yard (Lima, Peru), built by Rotaria (with two vaults)
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Mosaic for Don Victor's UDDT
Sustainable sanitation:
View of Don Victor's UDDT.
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Composting site for drying faeces
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Completed two double-vault UDDTs (4 vaults in total)
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UDDT for boys (double vault)
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Urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT) with walls made of old beer cans (in Botswana)
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Urine-diverting dry toilet (super-structure with old beer cans)
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UDDT with squatting pan
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UDDT by SumajHuasi
Sustainable sanitation:
Compost from UDD toilets
Sustainable sanitation:
UDDT in Addis Ababa
Sustainable sanitation:
UDDT in Addis Ababa
Sustainable sanitation:
Compost from UDD toilets
Sustainable sanitation:
UDDT in Western Kenya
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