Sustainable sanitation: UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Proud users of UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Condition of a UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Solid waste in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Faeces vault of a constructed UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Poster outside a VIP in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Inside the constructed UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Shared VIP in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: Constructed UDDT in Mulago, Kampala
Sustainable sanitation: private UDDT
Sustainable sanitation: Back doors of private UDDT
Sustainable sanitation: View into faeces chamber of private UDDT
Sustainable sanitation: Community toilet & shower facilities
Sustainable sanitation: Community toilet
Sustainable sanitation: Shower facility at community toilet
Sustainable sanitation: UDDT under construction
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet slab from a biogas toilet
Sustainable sanitation: Biogas digester and earth construction work
Sustainable sanitation: Biogas digester and earth construction work
Sustainable sanitation: Biogas digester and earth work
Sustainable sanitation: Programme manager for Netwas