shift289: Fans of Honkers
shift289: Cheer For Honkers
shift289: Sliding Second Steal
shift289: Ty Wosleger
shift289: Woo Hoo!
shift289: Bad Call?
shift289: Stepping Up
shift289: Honkers lead Cats 6 to 2
shift289: #14 Bryan Lippincott Second baseman in B&W
shift289: Dan Pelligrino #29 tags back to 1st ,#33 first baseman Ty Wosleger
shift289: Working the crowd
shift289: Honkin' Slider
shift289: The Hit
shift289: DP 4 of 4
shift289: DP 3 of 4
shift289: DP 2 of 4
shift289: Double play 1of 4
shift289: Changing pitchers
shift289: Foul Fencing
shift289: Bunt
shift289: Bad Cat 1 of 5
shift289: BC 2 0f 5
shift289: BC 3 0f 5
shift289: BC 4 of 5
shift289: BC 5 of 5