gandalphthegrey: Hastings Carnival 18, 1977
gandalphthegrey: Hastings Carnival 17, 1977 s92
gandalphthegrey: Kilo of Kudu
gandalphthegrey: Because it's there
gandalphthegrey: P1000491
gandalphthegrey: P1000494
gandalphthegrey: White Rock Baths 4, 1979.
gandalphthegrey: SPNP instruction16, "Wait for the rain, it makes shooting on the street easier and more interesting." - Martin Parr
gandalphthegrey: Four happy lasses
gandalphthegrey: Hastings Carnival 16, 1977 s93
gandalphthegrey: Opposite 108 Marina 1953
gandalphthegrey: 108 Marina 1953
gandalphthegrey: Caricatures by night
gandalphthegrey: Do you think she noticed Bonzo ?
gandalphthegrey: Look, there's the Sun
gandalphthegrey: Four happy chappies
gandalphthegrey: Bailey bridge 9, 1969.
gandalphthegrey: Bailey bridge 8, 1969.
gandalphthegrey: Bailey bridge 10, 1969.
gandalphthegrey: Big Issue
gandalphthegrey: Pilot fields pageant 7, 1977
gandalphthegrey: Pilot fields pageant 8, 1977
gandalphthegrey: Death of a church 1 s51
gandalphthegrey: Death of a church 2 s52
gandalphthegrey: Death of a church 3 s53
gandalphthegrey: Death of a church 4 s54
gandalphthegrey: Death of a church 5