gt_sz: wah
gt_sz: each
gt_sz: at station
gt_sz: it was nice talking with you!
gt_sz: 5,4,3,2!
gt_sz: surface
gt_sz: she knows me best.
gt_sz: where is the birds~???
gt_sz: :)
gt_sz: kira kira
gt_sz: it is safe to swim in this lake :P
gt_sz: sold out desu.
gt_sz: もちろん
gt_sz: soooo excited!!
gt_sz: the cherry blossoms are at their best now =)
gt_sz: sakura
gt_sz: sakura
gt_sz: P1080311
gt_sz: my little friend :D
gt_sz: i'm feeling so drowsy...
gt_sz: pink blue green
gt_sz: fine weather
gt_sz: fine weather
gt_sz: fine weather
gt_sz: pink
gt_sz: fine weather
gt_sz: at a picnic
gt_sz: have hopes.
gt_sz: a clean profile
gt_sz: thank you soo much:D