GSofV: 0697 Mountain view #1
GSofV: 0698 Windmill somewhere
GSofV: 0700 Back yard cricket game
GSofV: 0701 Fiat car #1
GSofV: 0702 Fiat car #2
GSofV: 0703 Garden
GSofV: 0704 Car on bush track
GSofV: 0705 Car on flooded bush track
GSofV: 0707 Mountain view #2
GSofV: 0708 Mountain view #3
GSofV: 0714 River crossing
GSofV: 0716 Lady in Fiat
GSofV: 0717 Lady driver
GSofV: 0718 Lady
GSofV: 0719 Lady with umbrella
GSofV: 0719 Young men with a car #1
GSofV: 0720 Young men with a car #2
GSofV: 0721 YMCA camp #1
GSofV: 0722 YMCA camp #2
GSofV: 0723 YMCA camp #3
GSofV: 0724 YMCA camp #4
GSofV: 0725 YMCA camp #5
GSofV: 0726 YMCA camp #6
GSofV: 0727 Posing on the car
GSofV: 0733 Group on beach
GSofV: 0734 Group on beach #2
GSofV: 0736 Man with shearwater
GSofV: 0736 Man with shearwater edit
GSofV: 0737 Three friends and a Fiat
GSofV: 0738 Camping