Sank63: Fisherman on Sea of Galilee
Sank63: Olive Press
Sank63: Church of Seven Springs
Sank63: 4th Century Mosaic
Sank63: Loaves and Fishes Mosaic
Sank63: Icon
Sank63: Mosaic
Sank63: Third century church foundation and mosaic
Sank63: Icon of the Virgin
Sank63: DSC01840.jpg
Sank63: Church of the Beattitudes
Sank63: Mountain of the Beattitudes
Sank63: DSC01844.jpg
Sank63: Family shot- Mt Beattitude
Sank63: DSC01848.jpg
Sank63: P1010460.jpg
Sank63: DSC01849.jpg