Gary Allman: Hike over, obligatory end of hike selfie
Gary Allman: Icicles on the Mary Hollow Trail
Gary Allman: McGarr Spring
Gary Allman: Lounging in my hammock
Gary Allman: There's frost *inside* my hammock too
Gary Allman: There's frost on my chair!
Gary Allman: Impressive food bag hang
Gary Allman: Camped overlooking McGarr Spring
Gary Allman: Frosty Morning
Gary Allman: North Fork River Scenic Overlook
Gary Allman: Blue Spring
Gary Allman: North Fork River from the Blue Spring Trail
Gary Allman: Blue Spring Trailhead
Gary Allman: The Ridge Runner Trail Trailhead needs a bit of TLC
Gary Allman: The Ridge Runner Trail Trailhead needs a bit of TLC
Gary Allman: County Road CC at the Ridge Runner Trail Crossing
Gary Allman: Ridge Runner Trail at the County Road CC Crossing
Gary Allman: County Road CC at the Ridge Runner Trail Crossing
Gary Allman: Ridge Runner Trail at the County Road CC Crossing
Gary Allman: Ooh look, there are newish blazes on this trail too
Gary Allman: Found it! The ellusive point where the Ridge Runner Trail joins the North Fork Loop
Gary Allman: Blazes? I'll take some stinking blazes!
Gary Allman: Camped among the shortleaved pines for a change
Gary Allman: Morning in the woods
Gary Allman: Trail Not Maintained
Gary Allman: Another evening, another trailhead
Gary Allman: Plans for the weekend