Gary Allman: Hercules Glades Tower Trailhead Parking Lot
Gary Allman: Back on the Pilot (Tower) Trail
Gary Allman: Siding
Gary Allman: Camped for the night
Gary Allman: Sunny morning in the woods
Gary Allman: The brush is fairly dense
Gary Allman: Enjoying woods and the sunshine
Gary Allman: View to the west from near the top of the Upper Pilot Knob
Gary Allman: The trail was wet in places
Gary Allman: The trail was wet in places
Gary Allman: Redbud flowers by the trail
Gary Allman: 'Sheep Frog Pond'
Gary Allman: Lunch break, Beef Pho
Gary Allman: Waiting for the water to boil
Gary Allman: Lunch spot from the trail
Gary Allman: Long Creek
Gary Allman: Long Creek
Gary Allman: View east from near the top of the Pole Hollow Trail
Gary Allman: Rocks on the cairn
Gary Allman: Back at the Pole Hollow / Pilot Trail Cairn