Gary Allman: Oh look, it's me at a trailhead. There's a surprise
Gary Allman: Home from home
Gary Allman: Home from home
Gary Allman: View from the top of the bluffs
Gary Allman: Day Three's Lunch
Gary Allman: Sunset from the bluffs
Gary Allman: Camped at the top of the bluffs
Gary Allman: Camped at the top of the bluffs
Gary Allman: In the woods
Gary Allman: View from the top of the bluffs
Gary Allman: Getting ready to go
Gary Allman: You'd think...
Gary Allman: The brush is growing and views are limited
Gary Allman: Gotta love this chair
Gary Allman: Gotta love this chair
Gary Allman: Small falls on 'Twin Falls' creek
Gary Allman: Looking down 'Twin Falls Creek'
Gary Allman: Pensive Gary