Gary Allman:
Smoke, No Mirrors - Reprise, Black and White
Gary Allman:
Smoke, No Mirrors - Reprise
Gary Allman:
Squirrel TV. It keeps the Maine Coons amused.
Gary Allman:
How many old cameras do I need?
Gary Allman:
Sleepy Blue Kitteh
Gary Allman:
CamDesign 10MM Diameter Red Metal Convex Soft Shutter Release Button
Gary Allman:
CamDesign 10MM Diameter Red Metal Convex Soft Shutter Release Button
Gary Allman:
Sleepy Tubby
Gary Allman:
Maintenance & Mend Day - Roomba
Gary Allman:
Routine Cleaning
Gary Allman:
Sleepy Mao in a box
Gary Allman:
I shouldn't have left the box on the bed
Gary Allman:
Yellow / Red Trail Heading East
Gary Allman:
Etched / Embossed Rock
Gary Allman:
Lanie in the 1930s Dodge "Humpback" Panel Van at Busiek
Gary Allman:
Gary Allman:
Tree Stand in Buseik State Forest and Wildlife Area
Gary Allman:
Tree & Sky
Gary Allman:
Chandelier Through the window
Gary Allman:
Brides Room - Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Through the Window
Gary Allman:
A Visit to Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Cow in Moonlight at Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Treenails in Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Faux Candle Chandelier in Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Writing Desk at Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Writing Desk at Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Bride's Room Chadelier
Gary Allman:
Lots of Interesting Doors at Storybook Barn
Gary Allman:
Inside the Silo