grytr: Recently fledged Eurasian blue tit
grytr: Narrow boat tiller art
grytr: Basking in the late evening sun
grytr: Black swans, Ely (Cygnus atratus)
grytr: Black swan
grytr: Goosey goosey gander ...
grytr: A duck. Yip, its a duck.
grytr: Its a duck, Muscovy to me and you!
grytr: Muscovy duckling
grytr: Smile please!
grytr: Honk, honk!
grytr: Liberty - American Bald Eagle 1
grytr: Liberty - American Bald Eagle 2
grytr: "Hey, I told you no tongues!"
grytr: Zippy - European Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)
grytr: Ivan The Terrible - Tawney Owl (Strix aluco)
grytr: Zippy - European Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)
grytr: Barney - Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
grytr: Ahhhhh!
grytr: White swan - modified
grytr: White swan