grytr: Radiant clouds
grytr: Heavens above
grytr: Horseshoes, Old public house, Little Thetford
grytr: St George's, Little Thetford
grytr: April Cottage, Little Thetford
grytr: Round house, Little Thetford
grytr: September Leaves
grytr: A walk in the park
grytr: Old garden gate
grytr: "I have found a good spot..."
grytr: 5th spot
grytr: Green bridge
grytr: Hand carved Thailand art
grytr: September Leaf
grytr: Railway lines
grytr: Rail
grytr: Ahhhhh!
grytr: Zippy - European Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)
grytr: Ivan The Terrible - Tawney Owl (Strix aluco)
grytr: Zippy - European Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)
grytr: Barney - Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
grytr: Yeti?
grytr: Cone-an the conker-or I
grytr: Aural warning device
grytr: Pink Gratefruit
grytr: Pole volt-ers poles apart
grytr: Cone-an the conker-or II
grytr: Flushed in Cambridge
grytr: So proud!