gryphon1911: Stacking Arms
gryphon1911: Waiting in camp for the soldiers to return
gryphon1911: Resting Before The First Battle of the Day
gryphon1911: Confederate Cavalry
gryphon1911: Federals Send a Volley
gryphon1911: Blacksmith At Work
gryphon1911: Lightning Raid!
gryphon1911: Carrying The Flag Into Battle
gryphon1911: Cavalry After The Battle
gryphon1911: Battle Weary
gryphon1911: Civil War Re-Enactment 2011 - Union Repeating Riflemen
gryphon1911: Civil War Re-Enactment 2011 - Confederate Portrait 2
gryphon1911: Civil War Encampment 13
gryphon1911: Civil War Encampment 12
gryphon1911: Civil War Encampment 5
gryphon1911: Civil War Encampment 4
gryphon1911: Civil War Re-Enactment 22