gryphon1911: Stacking Arms
gryphon1911: Awaiting Orders
gryphon1911: Enjoying a smoke
gryphon1911: Entertaining the Troops
gryphon1911: Keeping Cool
gryphon1911: Waiting in camp for the soldiers to return
gryphon1911: Civil War Battery
gryphon1911: Preparing a dessert
gryphon1911: Violin
gryphon1911: Resting Before The First Battle of the Day
gryphon1911: Union Overcoat
gryphon1911: Tending to the horses between battles
gryphon1911: Confederate Cavalry
gryphon1911: Charging into the enemy lines
gryphon1911: Federals Send a Volley
gryphon1911: Racing to get to the Federal flank
gryphon1911: Flag Carrier
gryphon1911: Confederate Cavalry, before the battle began
gryphon1911: Taking Cover In The Wagon
gryphon1911: Independent Guard Skirmish Lines
gryphon1911: Hand To Hand Combat
gryphon1911: Confederate Colors In Color
gryphon1911: Cavalry and Revolvers
gryphon1911: Confederate Troops Taking Cover
gryphon1911: Battle Weary
gryphon1911: Getting Up A Head Of Steam
gryphon1911: The Towne Of Blacklick
gryphon1911: The First Casualty Of The Day
gryphon1911: Reloading The Repeating Rifle
gryphon1911: Leather and Metal