Gruenemann: Robin Hood isn't the only person who can climb trees.
Gruenemann: Charming trio!
Gruenemann: The last Time Lord has Andy, Guy and Fitwilliam all together at the same time!
Gruenemann: Looking for a new castle, Guy?
Gruenemann: First, we kill the law students...
Gruenemann: Guy makes sure the fire is out of hand before pulling the alarm.
Gruenemann: Little Guy and OLLU chapel steeple
Gruenemann: Little Guy seeks absolution...
Gruenemann: Guy be nimble...
Gruenemann: Forget Marian--who's this Norse babe?
Gruenemann: Guy falls for the Barbarian Barbie
Gruenemann: LIttle Guy: Dragon Slayer
Gruenemann: Little Gay?
Gruenemann: Cannibalism? Certainly not; even Guy has standards!
Gruenemann: Yes!
Gruenemann: I claim this treasure in the name of King John!
Gruenemann: One day...I'll grow into this throne...
Gruenemann: Guy keeping warm...