pegpaw: 68... is a serious numbah...
pegpaw: Fronterior
pegpaw: Bacterior (ooh, that word doesn't seem right)
pegpaw: Hicks Yew (no apostrophe, mind yew!)
pegpaw: If you know what this is, please let me know!
pegpaw: Burning Bush
pegpaw: Again, I am plant ignoramus! Any ideas?
pegpaw: Part of the foresty common-ground
pegpaw: They're pretty but they ain't goin' in no home-inauguration pie!
pegpaw: Water drain (not glamorous but necessary)
pegpaw: a 2 x 4 party: great room into master BR
pegpaw: Beginnings of the dining room and deck
pegpaw: Deck and great room
pegpaw: Front entryway
pegpaw: Den
pegpaw: Front powder room (sans powder)
pegpaw: Laundry room
pegpaw: Kitchen entryway
pegpaw: Kitchen exitway
pegpaw: Kitchen with appliances
pegpaw: Blinds leading the blinds (me, not Garth!)
pegpaw: My 10th grade geometry failed me -- it's a radius
pegpaw: Kitchen window view
pegpaw: View from great room
pegpaw: View from great room II
pegpaw: FDA (Future Decks of America)
pegpaw: I always wondered what doors talk about when they all get together...
pegpaw: Great room with great man
pegpaw: Master Bedroom
pegpaw: Shower (door is NOT optional)