pegpaw: Whos in charge here???
pegpaw: Hey - did the Hawks win today???
pegpaw: The sky is falling! Oh - thats elephants
pegpaw: Water aerobics
pegpaw: Take me to your LEE-der...
pegpaw: You talkin to me???
pegpaw: All that separates us...
pegpaw: The neighborhood is going to hell..
pegpaw: Great - look who just moved in!
pegpaw: Fred Astaire has NOTHING on me!
pegpaw: Old buddy, old friend, old pal!
pegpaw: Showin my best side!
pegpaw: The best things are kept under glass..
pegpaw: It was here just a minute ago!
pegpaw: Excuse me, sir? I ordered the mackerel.
pegpaw: and REACH and STRETCH
pegpaw: I dont just WAKE up this pretty!
pegpaw: Its wet in here!
pegpaw: Im a bona fide cutie!
pegpaw: OK - Im back - start the party!
pegpaw: Im comin after YOU!
pegpaw: So Im a little out of sorts right now..
pegpaw: My work here is done..
pegpaw: Couldnt be happier..
pegpaw: Dont believe everything you read..
pegpaw: Yes, Im sleeping, OK?
pegpaw: Im in the z-z-z-z-zone!
pegpaw: Ive outgrown the wall tick marks
pegpaw: First-round draft choice for the Lakers.
pegpaw: Ill get back to you on that..