Archive - Growing Hope Globally: One of the early sessions of land preparaton in readiness to plant.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: CRWRC staff with Iowa guest.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Minnesota guests visit.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Intercropping in the Kholera community.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Awata lady with seed beans.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Trench with terracing.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Eastern Bumanu group at bulking plot.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: One of the farmers with seed plot removing suspected weed from the seed plot. This is a regular exercise at this stage when maize is growing.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Farmers and staff participate in planting maize at a bulking site.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Staff and farmers pose for a photo after farm inspection and farmer recording the progress of the seed plant.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally: Farmers in lake area during planting season.