Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Sampling nutritious greens.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Farmer showing his crop.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Farmer showing his crop.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Women preparing greens.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Display of local foods.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Bananas and sugar cane.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Display of local products.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
FRB guests in a farmer's test plot planted in 4 quadrants that will be rotated in the next planting season. In the left foreground is drought resistant sorghum that has been significantly more productive that the maize on the right.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A portion of the cow pea harvest ready for transport using a local sled.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Cow peas.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A woman shows a sample of her cassava crop just over one year after planting - pleased that this new improved variety matures in about half the time of traditional varieties.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A woman planted the droopy cassava sticks left on a pile by her brother, the intended program participant, because of their late arrival in Dec. 2005. She intercropped the cassava with millet which has been harvested and the stalks left has mulch in this
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A widow plants sweet potato vines she received from another program participant. Nine of her eleven children have also died, leaving her with 15 orphans to support.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
An Iowa growing project participant learns how to plant sweet potato vines from a widow in her field.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Local radio records a participant sharing her thanks as she passes on sweet potato vines to be distributed to another participant who has prepared her fields for planting.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
From 45 kg. of improved sweet potato vines in received in 2005 a participant developed a nursery and within 2 years had about 3/4 of an acre which helps with food and finances to support a household of 12 people.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
An FRB traverer brought Daniel, a small paper doll, to learn about treadle pumps. He will then be able to share that story back home.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A loan from the Savings and Internal Lending Committee (SILC) helped this woman buy this cart; she earns money as people hire her to transport their vegetables to market.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A variety of vegetables from farms expanded with Savings and Internal Lending Committee (SILC) funds were shared with FRB guests.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A loan from the Savings and Internal Lending Committee (SILC) enabled one woman farmer to hire farm labor.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
A woman takes a loan from the Savings and Internal Lending Committee (SILC) fund for her son's hospital expenses.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Weekly group counting of Savings and Internal Lending Committee (SILC) social fund.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Women in a rice farmers' group.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Meeting of the rice farmers' group.
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu
Archive - Growing Hope Globally:
Zambia - Mongu