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grovesa16: My view for the next 4.5 hours. Die a slow and painful death, March snow.
grovesa16: YOLO-ing in the Admirals Club with @christyfrink. London, ho!
grovesa16: LATER BONERS.
grovesa16: We have been here for an hour. Which @christyfrink agrees with me was 55 minutes too late.
grovesa16: 180 gins! Because vacation.
grovesa16: I want to remember my view at tonight's Sigur Ros show forever. And ever.
grovesa16: Tubin'.
grovesa16: One hundred million hearts.
grovesa16: I'm PRETTY sure I'm winning at this vacation.
grovesa16: Hello, love.
grovesa16: Sunday morning.
grovesa16: SPACE INVADERS.
grovesa16: Last night in London. Beer at the local.
grovesa16: Vacation leftovers. This was my happy place.