grove.ayers: IMG_20161102_144138810-01
grove.ayers: 6.10.16 Government Way, downtown CDA
grove.ayers: Northbound, Kingdom Of the Blue Shed Forest 5.2.16
grove.ayers: Quiet Remembrance
grove.ayers: Between Wake and Work
grove.ayers: Early Light, elevated
grove.ayers: SoloBikeParking sunrise
grove.ayers: Sunrise on the Prairie. End of The Prairie Trail.
grove.ayers: 9.25.14 Morning Ride.
grove.ayers: #GetUpGetOutGetMoving Early morning ride in #cdaid with @charitymiles for @michaeljfoxorg .
grove.ayers: 6.12.14 5:23am Huetter
grove.ayers: Lancaster Cruise
grove.ayers: IMG_20161108_062906394-01