Bernhard Paul: Quäle nie ein Tier zum Scherz, denn es fühlt wie du den Schmerz.
-mwopics-: chili und cleo
I have no words: No looking back.
I have no words: And leaving again.
I have no words: Coming back....
I have no words: Not coming back.
I have no words: Ice breaker
I have no words: Charging.
I have no words: Swear she pulls silly faces on purpose
I have no words: Swear she pulls silly faces on purpose
I have no words: Weimaraner - Wet
I have no words: Weimaraner - Wet
-mwopics-: cleo am fenster
-mwopics-: cleo
rile14: Village life, old weim Luna
Northwestsooner: Brie at 9 months
Northwestsooner: Brie Monitoring weather
Northwestsooner: Brie (Riding Shotgun)
melbaczuk: Winter Photo Walk
melbaczuk: Winter Photo Walk
melbaczuk: Winter Photo Walk
-mwopics-: chili und cleo
-mwopics-: cleo fängt leckerlies
-mwopics-: cleo porträt
-mwopics-: cleo und chili
-mwopics-: cleos nase
-mwopics-: cleo mit der sonne im rücken
-mwopics-: cleo