faytje92: ''A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer's wave goodby''
faytje92: ''Autumn is a secret spring when every leaf is a flower''
Ruffhouse: What do you mean "Ol' Yeller doesn't live"??
Ruffhouse: Multi talented
Ruffhouse: Happy Barkday!!
Ruffhouse: Starting to look his age
Ruffhouse: The Wish
Sharmeadfcr's: Kelly & Phoenix
Sharmeadfcr's: Phoenix resting
Mearnsy1: DSC_2741
Trevorsilk: Hey Izzy
Pitbull MaMa: Secret Santa
Sharmeadfcr's: secret Santa-Jill cookies and chocolate!!
Sharmeadfcr's: ornaments!
Sharmeadfcr's: Goodies!
Sharmeadfcr's: Sophie w/new toy
Satinbaze: Secret Santa
Satinbaze: Secret Summer
Ruffhouse: Hike!!
Ruffhouse: I love this one
Ruffhouse: Lookie!! A box of prezzies just for me
Sharmeadfcr's: Off and running with his beef pizzle.
Sharmeadfcr's: Phoenix opening his Summer Exchange gift!
Sharmeadfcr's: The goods! Thank you Kathryn!
Lilyfield FCRs: Mine, no Mine, No MINE!
Lilyfield FCRs: I Wuv this the Bestest
Lilyfield FCRs: Summertime Prezzies