stokeyouth1: Looks like Autumn is here.
stokeyouth1: Not to be mistaken for a dreamcatcher.
stokeyouth1: Spooky!
stokeyouth1: About to be abandoned.
stokeyouth1: Fruit for the picking.
stokeyouth1: Let's have a go on the Waltzer.
stokeyouth1: Looks like rain.
stokeyouth1: A glowing globe.
stokeyouth1: What channels can I get with this?
stokeyouth1: Still trying to put on a show.
stokeyouth1: Now that's a bad hair day or floral Les Miserables!
stokeyouth1: Faded beauty.
stokeyouth1: Is that a bee in my dream?
Jamarem: Pathway
Peter Juerges: Golden Moments
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies - Fern
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies
Jamarem: Trentham Gardens Fairies - The Fledglings
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens
The Retired Paramedic: Trentham Gardens