Thoracius Appotite: Stöðvarfirði
Thoracius Appotite: Wherever the path takes you...
Thoracius Appotite: Draining the bogs. :(
Thoracius Appotite: Don't get stuck in the mud -- you'll turn to bones.
Thoracius Appotite: Don't get stuck in the mud -- you'll turn to bones.
Thoracius Appotite: Curious thing to find...
Thoracius Appotite: full-spectrum body bag
Thoracius Appotite: The view out my window in Berlin
Thoracius Appotite: Don't get stuck in the mud -- you'll turn to bones.
Thoracius Appotite: birds fled from me recording ep
Thoracius Appotite: Frisby team
Thoracius Appotite: James Rabbit Baglery
Thoracius Appotite: scale model of the crystal palace
Thoracius Appotite: fletcher's birthday - table liquid rescale
Thoracius Appotite: fletcher's birthday - lobby liquid rescale
Thoracius Appotite: James Rabbit in a tree
Thoracius Appotite: You were a landscape in my dream
Thoracius Appotite: my dream of horses
Thoracius Appotite: Freshman year poloroids