D-Stanley: Sloping Walls and a Moat
D-Stanley: Basilica Cattedrale Metropolitana Primaziale San Sabino
poludziber1: Bari vecchia kids
tquist24: Sights of Sicily (157)
Mrs.WQ: Seeing Sicily #42
poludziber1: Glass lamp
poludziber1: Red bow
D-Stanley: Flooded Crypt
D-Stanley: Tomb of Dante Alighieri
D-Stanley: Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
S_Sotomonte: Libri e Stampe - Firenze
D-Stanley: Christ as the Good Shepherd
D-Stanley: The Three Magi dressed as Persians
D-Stanley: Procession of 22 Virgin Martyrs
tquist24: Sights of Sicily (156)
rladuca3: St. John's
Eric Bernardet: One Cinque Terre
matilde.rizzi2007: The Brera Palace
D-Stanley: Night and Day
D-Stanley: Byzantine Capital
D-Stanley: Byzantine Mosaic
Mrs.WQ: Seeing Sicily #41
poludziber1: Cassamassima steps
D-Stanley: Empress Theodora
D-Stanley: Mosaic of Jesus