JMS2: take a book, leave a book.....
AnthonyBman: I melted my boot on a switch heater
larrycloss: DSC_2990_contrast
larrycloss: DSC_2783_straight_contrast
larrycloss: DSC_2986_au_contrast
larrycloss: DSC_2836
larrycloss: DSC_2812
larrycloss: DSC_2773
ChrisGoldNY: Mookie’s Snow Day - Mammoth Lakes, California
Mrs.WQ: The Wonders of Winter #43
ChrisGoldNY: Brooklyn in Mammoth Lakes, California
JMS2: Snow Fall
JMS2: Porch
Mrs.WQ: The Wonders of Winter #42
juststopandlook: Periwinkle Cottage IMG_5969
Juliaforphotos: snowed texture/design...
Juliaforphotos: snow person...
Juliaforphotos: snow-covered
JMS2: Snow View
Grégoire Ch.: winter gradient
Grégoire Ch.: la cabane du lac mort
Grégoire Ch.: la cabane du lac mort
pirate johnny: Snowy Trees
Mrs.WQ: The Wonders of Winter #41
JMS2: Fallen Snow
JMS2: Red House