NMCIL: Spuffy Neruda Cover
NMCIL: Halloween Ghost Tales
myandyhallettsplace: HELP NEEDED THX
myandyhallettsplace: ANDY'S BIRTHDAY COMING
NMCIL: School Hard Study
NMCIL: School Hard Study
NMCIL: Spike-JM Study
NMCIL: Buffyverse Valentines
NMCIL: Spike Christmas
Anja Schruba: James Marsters
Anja Schruba: James Marsters
rebeccamcgoran: Available to buy as clothes, mugs, laptop skins, and much more. My shops are redbubble.com/people/geekartistry and society6.com/rebeccamcgoran #btvs #buffy #buffythevampireslayer #art #geek #redbubble #society6 #phonecase
Stay's: Ljósálfar
rebeccamcgoran: Available to buy as clothes, mugs, laptop skins, and much more. My shops are redbubble.com/people/geekartistry and society6.com/rebeccamcgoran #buffy #btvs #buffythevampireslayer #art #redbubble #society6 #xanderharris #mug #cup #design
Stay's: Angel
NMCIL: Buffytube Halloween Fest
NMCIL: My Angel
NMCIL: Angel and History
NMCIL: Looking Back - JM
NMCIL: Les Fleurs Du Mal
NMCIL: Buffy Anniversary
madonna toonx: ANGELUS
madonna toonx: DRUSILLA vampire
madonna toonx: DARLA vampire
crimsonology: Stephie the Vampire Slayer