sophoryth: 527People_Colour
John C. Akers jr.: Road Trip to Graceland 5-11-2015 141
John C. Akers jr.: Road Trip to Graceland 5-11-2015 140
John C. Akers jr.: Elvis personal jet
John C. Akers jr.: UH-19D CHICKASAW Hellicopter
John C. Akers jr.: UH-19D CHICKASAW Hellicopter
murlinambiar1: reflections
murlinambiar1: chilling out
John C. Akers jr.: Nashville Zoo John C. Akers Jr 162
John C. Akers jr.: Autumn 2013 088
John C. Akers jr.: Autumn 2013 079
John C. Akers jr.: Autumn 2013 077
John C. Akers jr.: My house and land. .Autumn 2013
John C. Akers jr.: My house and land. .Autumn 2013
John C. Akers jr.: My house and land. .Autumn 2013
John C. Akers jr.: My Hill 2013
sophoryth: fotografos_1476
Supremecourtjester: French Horn --Ready to March on Memorial Day
Supremecourtjester: Band Stands Tall in the Bell
John C. Akers jr.: "Male Cardinal"
John C. Akers jr.: "Squirrel"
John C. Akers jr.: "Squirrel"
murlinambiar1: kentish plover
murlinambiar1: mirror image
murlinambiar1: reflections
murlinambiar1: white browed wagtail
murlinambiar1: gautam buddha....peaceful
murlinambiar1: jewels of nature
murlinambiar1: rudy shelducks