Wolfraider78: IMG_3882
Wolfraider78: IMG_3630
Wolfraider78: Blowback
Wolfraider78: IMG_3348
Wolfraider78: Sharpshooter
Wolfraider78: Scarlett and her new Ride
Wolfraider78: Code Name Shooter yojoe
Wolfraider78: Condor and Delta Trooper
Wolfraider78: Under FIre
Wolfraider78: Duke and Sky running from Cobra
pancakesgrunt: Flushing out
Wolfraider78: IMG_0628
OylOul: №23/09(№1009). ППШ-41
OylOul: №23/09(№1009). ППШ-41
OylOul: №23/09(№1009). ППШ-41
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