Elouan Cousin: img20220421_21003695n
rivm: Forest Selfie
Stefan Witte: Glow in the Dark
Stefan Witte: The Waiting
Stefan Witte: Spiralling
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): *in memory* Sophie Scholl (May/09/1921- murdered Feb/22/1943) resistance fighter against Nazi-Regime; White Rose non-violent resistance group; anti-Nazi political activist; Germany € 150c tmbres Allemagne 우표 독일 유럽 sellos Alemania selos Alemanha γραμματόσ
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): beautiful stamp Northern Ireland GB UK 14p Briefmarke timbre regionalstamp Great Britain GB England Commonwealth Grossbritannien UK United Kingdom Machin Queen Elizabeth QEII selo postage 14p Northern Ireland Windsor Royal Mail
jlheu: IMG
jlheu: Sofa
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): *60th anniversary April/12/2021* great stamp Italy € 0.75 (April 12th 1961: Juri A. Gagarin; astronaut, cosmonaut; first human in space; Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин) postzegel Italy bollo francobolli porto Briefmarke Italien timbre Italy sellos Italiana selo
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamp Austria 55c Bauern-Christus (oil painting by Werner Berg (1904-1981), german-austrian painter; Jesus Christus Ölmalerei, peinture à l'huile, pittura a olio, 油画) postage timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria почтовые марки Австрия post
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamp Germany 20 pf. Cilly Aussem (1909-1963; german Tennis Star & Wimbeldon Winner) selo de correio sello de correo frimaerke stamps poste-timbres Allemagne sellos Alemanha selos Briefmarken Deutschland porto franco francobolli Germany postzegel
stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :): great stamp USA 15c John Steinbeck (Feb. 27, 1902–Dec. 20, 1968) (writer, East of Eden, Nobel Prize Literature) United States of America почтовая марка США pullar ABD 邮票 美国 Měiguó USA timbre États-Unis u.s. postage selo Estados Unidos sello USA 15c bolli
cihanege1907: Handsome Boy
AntoineLegond: Karine, longing for movies
AntoineLegond: Pauline
Stefan Witte: Millie Gietman
pauly..: January 3, 2021
Padicha: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021 !
Studio d'Xavier: I Felt a Sudden Compulsion to Play Percussion
Studio d'Xavier: A Blue Portrait taken on Friday the 13th
Studio d'Xavier: The Sudden Realization you are Waiting on a Hurricane with an Old Slice of Swiss Cheese
AntoineLegond: Pauline