Subsequent Wickedness: Chronicles of lifting Light Addendum
Subsequent Wickedness: Dark Alley Prism B
Subsequent Wickedness: Pursuing the Posh # 1
Maieutica: uomouniverso
Maieutica: milord
Bastard:Angel: Blood Victory.
Bastard:Angel: "Dove c'è molta luce, l'ombra è più nera." Goethe
Bastard:Angel: “I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow.” E.A. Poe
richzurd: amst's purple
richzurd: burgerking!
richzurd: Happy b*day ross
richzurd: hipsterize
Bastard:Angel: Un Angelo BastardO.
Maieutica: gru al chiaro di luna
Maieutica: l'attimo fuggente
Maieutica: lutto - bereavement
Maieutica: oh, salce