Hanna( ^▽^): liccamint04
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Hanna( ^▽^): liccamint01
Josie&theKILLER_DOLLS: Happy Halloween 🎃
shero6820: Keiko
Josie&theKILLER_DOLLS: Vintage Gofun Daruma Doll
1ManekiNeko: Konosu or Iwatsuki Hinamatsuri Mebina
qescobar78: #phicen #doll #Nihon #Urban
qescobar78: #Kimono test shots #Phicen Doll face up
qescobar78: #Kimono test shots #Phicen Doll face up, pillow is a wooden chop stick holder and rolled up white tank top piece with hair rubber band. I used fabric instead of the chop stick in later pics. Backdrop is a silk scarf of Hokusai’s the wave.
qescobar78: #Blasian doll #kpop head sculpt with #afro wig
teekeek: Wishing you a very Hoppy Easter!
teekeek: Wishing you a very Hoppy Easter!
teekeek: Wishing you a very Hoppy Easter!
teekeek: Wishing you a very Hoppy Easter!
teekeek: Wishing you a very Hoppy Easter!
sergeantbooduce: Goro!!!!
Hurry Up Miss Jane: The Goddess of small creatures
teekeek: More Target Dollar Spot Fun
Josie&theKILLER_DOLLS: Vintage Beauty
Josie&theKILLER_DOLLS: Blythe Last Kiss 💍
ggsdolls✿2: Christmas is here!
ggsdolls✿2: Posedoll...
ggsdolls✿2: Mod ladies...
ggsdolls✿2: Lina...
Nezumi66: Ichigo Mashimaro, Animage Ltd Ed
ggsdolls✿2: Tiny pose dolls!
ggsdolls✿2: Tiny doll and wooden furniture...