sangomushi: a lion
sangomushi: sea cucumber
sangomushi: DSCF5165
sangomushi: Dugong
sangomushi: Dugong
sangomushi: DSCF5110
sangomushi: DSCF0031
sangomushi: DSCF0055
sangomushi: DSCF0330
r a e d e k e: Boggis Bunce and Bean
r a e d e k e: The Clown with a Tear Away Face
mumbot: "Playing in the Mossy Forest" - Commissioned portrait 2011
sangomushi: DSC04507
sangomushi: DSCF5303
sangomushi: 1311788727_80
sangomushi: 1311788727_138
sangomushi: a turtle
sangomushi: DSC04355
sangomushi: DSCF4600
sangomushi: DSCF4601
r a e d e k e: EENOYING BUG PARTS
r a e d e k e: A TYPICAL SCHOOLDAY
r a e d e k e: Pidonald and Pidonny
mumbot: Falcon Girl on Telephone Pole
Frithmobiles: Modernist and Eliptusmobius - client photo
r a e d e k e: Praying Mantis
r a e d e k e: Mother's Day Fly Traps!
r a e d e k e: Spoon Butterfly
r a e d e k e: Me and My Pal