oz_lang: DSC_7420.jpg
lonelydimple: Fake crying
Raquel Van Nice: it's her party and she'll cry if she wants to
Jrivv: Into the darkness you go
courtney▼renee: Hurt By Life
Deep in my soul: Crying to the moon
Deep in my soul: Just miss you...
Deep in my soul: I must let you go
Deep in my soul: Crying to the moon
Deep in my soul: Crying to the moon 2
oz_lang: ever so mad...
oz_lang: shucks and darn :(
absolutely nothing: In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
Brian_Brooks: Stuck in Cleveland
Kitti..: lolly
Kitti..: hmm
knkmi: 365/270 ever have one of those days??
Paguma / Darren: 313/365 Thundersucks!
godzillante|photochopper: (6196) Didn't mean to make you cry
not siskel: "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye."
Bow x!: Project done on emotions
knkmi: 365/185 spilled milk