spacekendet: Hollow Tree
vit23: IMG_2503
vit23: IMG_2555
c.updegrave: 12-30-12 016
dirkcush: Bark with holes
Gibmetal77: Little Owl Hideout
kwikrick: Hole in a tree
kwikrick: Hollow branch a hole in my tree - letting in water !!
dirkcush: I thought they said lightning was not supposed to strike between two rivers??
cecgodoy: Em fila...
In Memoriam BACKYard Woods Explorer: Looking Inside A Tree Hole
tomotubby: Root of Yakushi Sakura 薬師桜
tomotubby: Tree Hollow
tomotubby: Tree Hollow
jPhoto2008: Trunk with a view
fletchist: DSC_0125
Jan Egil Kristiansen: I'm on the inside - looking outside
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Eika på Framnes
Andrea Guandalini: Mano nel tronco - Hand in the trunk
c.updegrave: 10-17-04 022
c.updegrave: 07-24-04 018
c.updegrave: 05-07-05 539
c.updegrave: 03-26-05 675
c.updegrave: 09-03-04 006
c.updegrave: 08-06-04 019
c.updegrave: 07-24-04 021
c.updegrave: 05-07-05 529