Seven Story Photography: Pink Heart Hide And Seek
Seven Story Photography: Complex Perfection
imageClear: Milkweed Pods and Grasses
Anavicor: 18_Iron_Macro Mondays
oldTor: Chloroplasts in the stomata of the epidermis of a tulip stem. Oblique transmitted polarized light. 119:1
oldTor: Onion cell nucleus. Oblique transmitted polarized light. 119:1
FotoMarkus.W: IMG_1118
andre.l.r.cardoso: Sobralia cardosoi Campacci & J.B.F.Silva
oldTor: Stomata of a tulip leaf under a microscope. Oblique transmitted polarized light
andre.l.r.cardoso: Sobralia cardosoi Campacci & J.B.F.Silva
andre.l.r.cardoso: Sobralia cardosoi Campacci & J.B.F.Silva
oldTor: Lettuce stomata. Oblique transmitted polarized light
Seraph of truth ️: Spring flower
Denosan: Coming Soon / Yakında Geliyor
oldTor: Cilantro stem. Fragment. Transmitted polarized light. 52:1
oldTor: Onion cells. Oblique transmitted light
jazzmoon12: Orchid Joy
Kent Van Vuren: Pacific Tree Frog, California, 08-08-07
isle_of_arran: English ivy (Hedera helix), aerial rootlets
isle_of_arran: Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) bark
marianna armata: 2nd place Award Winner in LCC's 2024 Fauna Competition
Anavicor: 25_Abstract_MM
Anavicor: 3_Tableware_Macro Mondays
UVO_eber: Silverfish scales