Dayanne Priscilla: Amor da minha vida, meu Anthony <3
Dayanne Priscilla: Meu mundo azul 💙
fitzmac: 1st Christmas!!!
justynaweglinska: 3M9A8089bigp
Soft Sugar: Fly side portrait
Soft Sugar: Auto-Revuenon MC 50mm f1.4,shot with the LEGENDARY Pentacon 50mm 1.8
Soft Sugar: Auto-Revuenon MC 50mm f1.4, another shot with the LEGENDARY Helios 44-4
Soft Sugar: The legendary Pentacon 50mm 1.8 shot with an other legendary lens the Helios 44-4 2/58
krzysztof_los: Cute Zosia
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 mm f / 2.8 SoftFocus
WiLPrZ: Brother and sister
Michael Raphan: Piano Lessons