Leonardo Martins: É Natal... Shopping Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. :-)
mightyquinninwky: The Kafka Project
mightyquinninwky: Nerds Smoke'n Crack
mightyquinninwky: Street Sticker Politics
mightyquinninwky: Violent Design - the kafka project
mightyquinninwky: Kafka Project
Lauryn Aymes: naked form
mightyquinninwky: Sticker At Woodland
monicawisehart: seasonal
zoomswhizzkid: Path.
zoomswhizzkid: Brick.
zoomswhizzkid: Broken.
zoomswhizzkid: Tree.
zoomswhizzkid: Chilling.
zoomswhizzkid: Mote.
zoomswhizzkid: Bench.
NateAbel: Sticker to the man!
NateAbel: Sticker to the man!
NateAbel: Sticker to the man!
mgm photography.: Sticker to the Man: DC #2
mgm photography.: Sticker to the Man: DC #1
btbl78: DSC08408
btbl78: DSC08412
flashbender: sticker to the man, Munich Germany
flashbender: Sticker to the man - Granada, Spain
Caroline Caver: And Everything Was Alright.
dan_xiong: New TV Station Building
dan_xiong: Sticker to the Man
dan_xiong: Sticker to the Man