pflanzenflüsterer: Cavendishia complectens; Ericaceae (4)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cavendishia complectens; Ericaceae (3)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cavendishia complectens; Ericaceae (2)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cavendishia complectens; Ericaceae (1)
pflanzenflüsterer: Nidularium innocentii 1443-2; Bromeliaceae (1)
Sebastiao P Nunes: Thrilling São Paulo and its Aché Cultural Complex and the Tomie Otahke Institute - O Complexo Cultural Aché e o Instituto Tomie Otahke e suas insinuantes formas
Sebastiao P Nunes: Medinila, Kapa-kapa, chandelier tree, a nice image of this incredible flower from Marianne Islands. Pictured at Forest Hills, Jandira, São Paulo, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Flower of a night blooming Cactus that produces the delicious dragon fruit or pitaya... in Forest Hills, Flor de Pitaia, Uma variante de cactus, Jandira-SP , Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Elegant solitaire tree decorating the pasture fields in Lavinia, São Paulo, Brazil, Farinha-seca, elegante, nos campos de gado!
Sebastiao P Nunes: Red seeded Dandelion, Serralha, Forest Hills, Jandira-SP, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Zinnias with beautiful white peacock butterflies, Zínias com borboletas "pavão" brqnco, Jandira-SP, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Canna Lily, Vijagua, Bananeirinha-de-jardim, Forest Hills, Jandira-São Paulo, Brazil
pflanzenflüsterer: Sonchus daltonii 0097-1; Asteraceae (2)
pflanzenflüsterer: Sonchus daltonii 0097-1; Asteraceae (1)
Sebastiao P Nunes: Fruits of Mirandópolis - SP, Frutas de Lavínia, Brazil - Romã, Pomegranate
Sebastiao P Nunes: Fruits of Lavínia - SP, Frutas de Lavínia, Brazil - Tamarindo, Tamarind
Sebastiao P Nunes: A sea of Golden trumpet vine, Allamanda, Mirandópolis-SP, Brazil
Bernard Spragg: Etlingera elatior 'Red Torch'
Sebastiao P Nunes: Four o clock flower, Mirabilis Jalapa, Bonina, Mirandópolis, São Paulo, Brazil
pflanzenflüsterer: Pleurothallis scoparum 8364-1; Orchidaceae (2)
Sebastiao P Nunes: Zephirantes, Rain Lily, in Tabajara, Lavinia-São Paulo, Brazil
pflanzenflüsterer: Pleurothallis scoparum 8364-1; Orchidaceae (1)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cochliostema odoratissimum; Commelinaceae (1)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cochliostema odoratissimum 0556-1; Commelinaceae (2)
pflanzenflüsterer: Cochliostema odoratissimum 0556-1; Commelinaceae (1)
Sebastiao P Nunes: Quaresmeira e Manacá - The season of these beautiful trees, Forest Hills, Jandira-SP, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Hedychium, Orange bottlebrusher ginger, Lírio-do-brejo vermelho ou Gengibre escarlate, Forest Hills, Jandira-SP, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: The landscape of silence. In the municipality of Lavinia there is a lot of cattle raising and sugar cane plantations - São Paulo, Brazil
pflanzenflüsterer: Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea 2949-1; Nymphaeaceae (2)
pflanzenflüsterer: Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea 2949-1; Nymphaeaceae (1)