Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: Release Yourself Onto The Water Until It Tastes of Salt
Jamie Burkart: summer raft
Jamie Burkart: Waiting for lift off
Jamie Burkart: Libby loads the paddlewheel
Jamie Burkart: Into the water
Jamie Burkart: In the water
Jamie Burkart: In the middle of the road
Jamie Burkart: Hoisting the boat
Jamie Burkart: Carrying the boat
Jamie Burkart: River Bridge, Barge Loading, Ruined Dock
Jamie Burkart: Jamie and Respected Friend.
Jamie Burkart: Flag, Socks Drying, Mississippi River
Jamie Burkart: Mississippi River, Barge Fueling Station
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Jamie Burkart: Trey Corken and Family
Jamie Burkart: Vicksburg Procession
Jamie Burkart: 20100809150231_00010A
Jamie Burkart: Libby on Autumn Shore, Lower Mississippi
Jamie Burkart: The Raft Marvel in Autumn Fog
Jamie Burkart: Vicksburg Launch Procession
Jamie Burkart: Family Riverside Camp