jean sept: The Fine Art Of Self Defence With J Edgar Hoover
jean sept: Beware Of The Dogs of Dada (redux)
jean sept: It's A Dead Man's World
jean sept: Extreme Sleep Deprived Cognitive Impairment
jean sept: The Fishtail Diaries
jean sept: Fine 90's Dining Chez Al Fresco With Male Fashion Disasters Of The Day
jean sept: Saila
jean sept: Home, Home On The Mall
AGUILA81: La ronde du 1er mai.
AGUILA81: En mai fait ce qu'il te plait.
AGUILA81: Giraffle.
AGUILA81: Giraffle #2.
AGUILA81: Ne le répète pas !
AGUILA81: Ne le répète surtout pas !
AGUILA81: Pensez le printemps, aveuglément.
AGUILA81: CD-rangé.
AGUILA81: Du balai !
AGUILA81: Orange mécanique.
jean sept: Religious Painting (tamed)
jean sept: Chuckle Brothers (remix 1)
jean sept: The Big Adventure
jean sept: We Eat To Live/We Live To Eat
jean sept: The Art Of Oblique Persuasions
jean sept: The Very Earliest Experiments With Psychedelics Yielded Several To Date Unrepeatable Outcomes
jean sept: Neither Ether, Nether Either (tamed)
jean sept: The Giggling Giddy Goddesses Of Brightly Coloured Breath Containers