nick-on: prua e poppa
Odas EP: DXO_0521- condom dispenser's poem series- 02
Odas EP: DXO_0503 - read-walking might be dangerous
nick-on: Is it my word?
Odas EP: La Serenissima
Odas EP: DXO_0337 (Festival de photographie de Deauville, Planches Contact) Jean-François Spricigo : « au vent porter la joie »
Odas EP: DXO_0207 - iceberg theory
Odas EP: DXO_9812- Miss Quinine
Odas EP: DXO_0082 - adventurer
Odas EP: DXO_9936 - HYPER SENSIBLE (Nts)
Odas EP: DXO_9820 - laundrette series
Odas EP: DXO_9922 Yellow bag - (Une pierre derrière soi » de Fabien Mérelle à l'A. de Fontevraud)
Odas EP: DXO_9790- blue words (VàN 2023 - Frac "Vous n’avez pas besoin d’y croire pour que ça existe" exposition écrite par Théo Casciani)
Odas EP: DXO_9642-little tourist ("Je serais douce" de Sanam Khatibi VàN 2023)
Odas EP: DXO_9493 - LEAVING - Hypersensible Nts
nick-on: da shit is serious
Odas EP: DXO_9406 - Hyperrealism (NTS)
Odas EP: DXO_9128/ hidden advanced (Angers)
Odas EP: DXO_9120 - gobsmacked
nick-on: 500 -cinquecento farfalle- (nostalgia svolazzante)
Odas EP: Lugworm and not loveworm
Odas EP: DXO_9291 - when a giant wave is about to eradicate the city ...
Odas EP: DXO_9225 - an angel passes
Odas EP: DXO_9202 - coocking aid set
Odas EP: DXO_9158 (CANDICE, We can always count on each other- NTS)
Odas EP: Jeune femme en bigoudis / Young woman with curlers
Odas EP: matching colors
Odas EP: swarming
Odas EP: Strange encounter (Beaux-Arts de Nantes)
Odas EP: blue corner (Claude Monet / Joan Mitchell)